Thursday, February 28, 2013

Who knew declaring war was such fun?

I went to my first SCA Tavern last night. I wore the outfit that I made 20+ years ago for an SCA event in Edmonton and actually got some compliments! Too bad I discovered that some of the cloth is starting to give up the ghost. Oh well, it's pretty but not terribly authentic for the character I'm developing. Her name is Fiona and I'm thinking she's kind of 15-16C Irish - although she's a bit of a world traveler.  :)

I recognized several people that I'd met at archery and met some new folks. I really liked Marie, who actually lives in Vancouver, but is here for some contract work. She is? does? hmmm... Scribal, which is pretty much the production of the illuminated style calligraphy that is used for awards and announcements. I need to follow up on that - I've done calligraphy before and really liked it. It's all interesting, but the things that pull me particularly at this point are Archery, Scribal, maybe Chirurgeon or Healer (I need to learn more about how these things are defined/enacted.)

But target Archery for me, no heavy fighting! That armor weighs a small ton and I bruise way too easily!

Once most everyone had arrived last night, the Baron announced that we are going to war with Borealis (Edmonton).  I gather this is an annual event, and only requires the development of some excuse.  ;) I have to double-check how the Barons come to power - I thought it was by tourney, but if so, our current Baron must look like the cartoon Friar Tuck when he fights. Both he and the Baroness, are... sturdily built.

Each Tavern has a "theme" and is hosted by a different group. Last night was Archery, which was nice for me! ;) I got to learn a bit more about arrow making, the levels of achievement, archery in the heavy fighting, etc. There was also yummy lamb stew, drinks and lots of people brought cookies.

I'm looking forward to Tavern next month, when apparently they'll be auctioning off all the "bits and bobs" that have been left unclaimed at events in the past year.  I have no idea what might show up! Cutlery and cookware? Jewellery and clothes? Hair pins? I'm so curious, I can't believe I have to wait a month! I'll be busy though - I might be able to wear the same dress, but Stuart has nothing at all appropriate.

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