Friday, January 18, 2013

In which I skewer things.

I'm such a pain in people's butts sometimes.  I pestered the poor Viscountess 'til she invited us down to the Calgary Archery Center tonight. So I picked Stuart up from the c-train and off we went.  Good timing though, we met her and her consort in the parking lot.

It turns out the Friday nights are SCA (that's Society for Creative Anachronism) nights, so it was mostly people shooting recurve bows and wooden arrows.  How old school! LOL But it worked well, because we could borrow bows, arrows and equipment from the SCA collection.  Phew! She got us set up and we got the 3 minute intro and then it was time to shoot.

Coming from my maladroit and highly uncoordinated past, it took me a bit to get passed the initial adrenalin fear and over thinking everything, but I didn't do too badly for a first time. It was inevitable that I scraped my elbow once with the bow string. I felt it for sure, but it wasn't disablingly painful or anything. Although because of the dermatographia, I was itchy for the rest of the night and I'm gonna having a charming welted bruise for a week or two.

For those of you who care, I think she said we were shooting at 30 yards (?). And she had us shooting at a stuffed teddy, rather than at the round targets. I bounced a few arrows off of him, but other folks were helping.  By the end, he'd be decapitated and emasculated a few times. Awesome!

Things I have to remember: 

  • Don't hold the bow too tightly and knuckles at 45 degrees
  • TOUCH my cheek by my teeth with my fingers (that still sort of scares me; irrational, but true)
  • Draw, deep breath, release
  • Just fingertips on the string (I think the glove I had was a bit big - the "fingers" ended quit a bit passed my fingers!)
The SCA people were fun too! Quite happy to have more victi.., recruit, interested people. I think Viscountess was scared we'd find them too weird.  Ha! Not even close - wait 'til she meets some of our friends! They are having a Twelfth Night event tomorrow that I'd love to go to, but with Stuart in class all day, the timing just doesn't work out. I'm gonna get to one sometime though! They have crafting and sewing and leather working....  OOOOOOOOOO!

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