Monday, November 19, 2012

Bond and hair

For about a year now, I've been hanging out on a long hair board.  I kept a blog there that was pretty much hair related, although some life stuff did sneak in. However, that site crashed back at the end of September and many of us are going through withdrawal. A few folks that know this blog, told me that I should be posting here to help them through until the site goes back up.  So here goes!

Hair-wise, it's growing along. It's passed waist length now - I'm planning a trim at Christmas. I figure I'll chop it back to waist to neaten up the ends and then let it grow again for another year. The office Christmas party is on Friday and I need to do my roots. I'd been planning to henna later in the week, but looking at my calendar, my choices are either tonight or Friday afternoon.  I don't want to smell like henna for the party, so I guess I'm doing it tonight! I'd henna'd my roots in quick succession a couple of times in October, so I was trying to hang on with longer roots to avoid making part of the length darker by over-hennaing. There's a centimeter or so of roots now, so I guess that will have to do.

In other news, Stuart and I went to see Skyfall yesterday. I really enjoyed it - I don't want to give any spoilers, but I cried during the chapel scene. My Dad doesn't like the new Bond movies.  I agree that the feel of the Daniel Craig Bond is very different - but I also know that movies reflect the time when they are made. There are no more Ian Flemming novels; the approach to movie making has changed; and audience expectations are different.  So I watch the movies (new and old) with my appropriate era filters in place and enjoy them all. I like to think I get the best of both worlds that way. At any rate, as you'd expect, the clothes, cars and special effects are all top notch.

Does anyone have any ideas of where to buy to a decently priced bathing suit this time of year?  I've tried Winner's, Walmart and (just 'cause I was there) Mark's. No luck. We're having our annual trip to Banff in a couple of weeks and we always go to the hot springs. But I've lost enough weight that me swim suit is sloppily big on me.  I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that!

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