Yesterday was Day 8 of my Whole 30 and it's going better than I would have expected. I've had a couple of little bobbles - situations where I chose to be polite rather than 100% compliant, and I'll probably tack 5 days on the end to make up for it. But although I still think about some of the food I'm not supposed to be having, so far it hasn't been a craving, per se. Making sure that I have compliant food prepped ahead of time has made it easier too, especially on the weekend, when normally we'd have stopped for fast food as we did our errands. I know that people go all over the map, all over the 30 days (and beyond) so I'm sure not calling this a done deal, but I'm glad that it hasn't been an hourly struggle either.
So far, the changes I've noticed are the same as when I was sticking to the low carb diet - my skin is clearing up and my pants are getting looser. I'm looking forward to better sleep and if I get the "tiger blood" I'll be happy! I do need to work on my portion sizes, with Stuart helping to dish up, I'm getting more protein than I actually require and we're ok, but we need to get more veggies in there. Stuart likes veggies with his meat, but in a 1:1 ratio, not the 3 or 4:1 we should really be eating. I'm not panicked about it, fine tuning is always required.
One of the changes that we've decided to make is to purchase a SodaStream. I've seen them before, but always in the context of soda. It never occurred to me to use it make my own plain sparkling water. *D'oh!* The cost is about 1/3 of buying it bottled and we won't have the piles of plastic bottles to recycle. Seems like a win/win to me! It also motivated me to get a new carafe for the blender, which arrived yesterday. My first attempt at mayo was a fail - I think I drizzled too slowly and the motor heat cooked it a little. I found instructions to attempt to save it and if that doesn't work, I'll just call it a learning experience and try again.
We're heading out for a week of camping on Monday and if the sleep chooses to kick in then, I really will be a "happy camper". We talked last night about what food to take - just because junk food is off the list, doesn't mean there isn't tons of yummy stuff! A little bit of planning and prep in advance will make it easy to stay on track.
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