Thursday, April 11, 2013

Earring and sleep

Apparently, I'm just in the mood to blog these days.

Just after Christmas, I had to admit that my nifty piercing was, indeed, infected. I stopped using the "salt water spray" that they sold me at the piercing parlour and started just making up my own salt water soaks.  It may be a "your mileage may vary" thing, but it's making a huge difference. I try to soak it every couple days and/or when the crusties build up. I make up a cup with 1/4 tsp of sea salt and 1 cup of distilled water and warm it up a bit. Then I sit very awkwardly with my ear submerged for as long as my neck can take it. A lot of the crusties just fall off into the water and when it was infected, I'd get some blood in it too.  Which looked kinda cool, like powder, once it hit the salt.  Now, it's not nearly as sore and the swelling has gone except for just a bit in the bottom piercing (gravity, you know!) I have hopes that some day, it will just be a piercing, not a healing piercing.  Oh - and I also switched back to using the pillow with the hole cut out and I think not having the pressure and "twisting" is also making a difference.

Also in earring news, I'm calling it official - I can't wear some metals any more. Some of my earrings are bothering me more than others, but about the only thing I can wear without any problems are my niobium ones. I expect titanium will be ok and platinum, if I could afford it.  ;) The odds are pretty good that it's nickel I'm reacting too, but I don't know for sure if it is or if it's the only thing. So I'm going to re-home the ones I can't wear anymore and start watching for new stuff.

I had a long discussion yesterday with my Astoria contact regarding their Release Manager and then spent the afternoon drawing diagrams. I think I almost have a handle on how to track all the versions that we'll need to; and the upshot is that I finally got some sleep last night! I'm still tired, but not quite "just shoot me now" tired. It helps that I told Angela I was taking a mental health day tomorrow, so my hope is to get my plan finalized and perhaps at least partly implemented today. Then I can goof off tomorrow without such a huge weight on my subconscious. And next week I can FINALLY get started on the new doc!!!

My plan for tomorrow is to sleep!, maybe do some house cleaning and get a start on capes.  Oh - and I'm going to call shortly and see if there are any openings for a massage. It's late, but anything is possible.


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