Thursday, December 27, 2012


After a completely crazy couple of weeks, we were into the last few days before heading up  to Edmonton. Thursday was my last day of work and I was in the office to the last minute, to do a webex meeting with a potential product rep.  Then I hopped the train downtown to meet a (sort of) new friend. I know her from the LHC boards and we met in person in the spring with a group of LHC people in the area. For some reason, it seemed like a good time to meet up just the two of us.

She keeps her real name off the interwebs, mostly I think because she works for the Queen's Bench, so I'll call her Viscountess. We hit it off famously! We are close to the same age and we have the same twisted sense of humour. We chatted easily all through a pile of sushi and decided that we should get together next time with our Consorts in tow. She and her consort are archers, which is something I've always wanted to try. So I think I'll take her up on her offer of a trip to the range. Bows are so much quieter and sneakier than guns and the ammo is much easier to re-use!

On Friday, I got more stuff together for Christmas and then Stuart and I both went for massages. Bllliiiiiiiisssssssss! Then we spent the evening at Mike and Angela's having an "end of the world" party. It was especially nice because everyone showed up and I was able to distribute Christmas presents. (I made rose hip jelly and ginger rhubarb marmalade again this year.) 

Our big excitement for Saturday was giving Ursa a bath! She was long overdue, but we got her clean and combed out and she's been reaping the benefits, it the form of cuddles and scritches from everyone.  You can't just pet her, she feels so good, you have to bury both hands and lounge around in there for a while. LOL It was a colder day than we'd choose for a bath normally, but we dried her well and wrapped her in dry towels for the drive home and she was fine.

On Sunday morning, Angela came over to get a shiatsu treatment before they left for their vacation. I hadn't really planned on doing a treatment, but since she came to me, it didn't take up too much time and I'd have felt guilty if she spent her vacation with numbness and pain. Stuart and Ursa went for a walk while we were doing that, and then it was time to pack the car and hit the road. There were dire reports for the roads, but the reality wasn't that bad at all.  It was more stressful watching for idiots, than dealing with the environmental conditions, and in the end, we made it safely. We'd originally planned to see The Hobbit that evening, but we were all just tired and decided to stay in, instead.

On Monday, we got hair cuts. I got my ends trimmed for the first time since February. She took off about 1.5", which I was happy to sacrifice. The length is generally in good condition, but those very tips were so dry that even the henna wasn't sticking! And it's now long enough that I had to stand for the cut, because it falls over the chair back.  That felt good. Then Stuart dropped me at Wanda's house to give her a shiatsu treatment. She's adjusted her drugs and is improving greatly, which was awesome to see.  She also managed to get tickets to a Big Bang Theory taping, so I'm super jealous.

We spent the afternoon at my parents' house, with them, my sister's family and grandma.  We ate a ton of food and opened all of the family presents. I was also starting to feel a bit as if I was catching a cold. Around 8pm, we packed up all our stuff and hit the road for Stuart's parents' house.  There we ate more food (shrimp dip!) and played a new card game called "Ding!" I was starting to feel quite icky, so I gave up around 11pm and went to bed. 

I woke up the next morning with swollen glands, congestion and a wicked sinus headache. I barely managed to shower and get dressed for our Christmas lunch and then I was out again for a nap. Then I helped his mom and Grandma with a puzzle for a while.  We had dinner of leftovers and then packed up everything to head back to my parents' house again.  There, I helped mom prep a few more things for the party before going to bed. I coughed quite a bit through the night, but generally felt a bit better than next day.  Just having the headache ease was an improvement!

Stuart and I went to Camper's Village for their Boxing Day sale, but I'm starting to wonder why I bother. I didn't buy anything and Stuart only got long underwear and some shoe inserts.  Whee. We ran a few more errands and then headed back to the house. I spent the rest of the morning making up trays of food and generally getting ready for the party.  Stuart headed off to Boxing Day gaming and people started arriving at the house. Most of the usual crowd arrived, so I got to visit with lots of friends and eat a lot more yummy food! It was great to see everyone! Most folks buggered off again by 5-ish, except for my uncle and  step-aunt, who'd had to work and arrived late. Stuart wandered back in a little after 7 to take Ursa for her walk and then we tidied away all the leftover food.  Stuart decided that we'd stay until Friday, to help eat it all! ;)

I took a bath last night with my new Himalayan Eucalyptus bath salts, which were very nice. I took some cough suppressant and managed to cough a lot less and get some sleep.  I'm still not well, but I don't feel appallingly bad anymore and now Stuart thinks he's coming down with it.  Argh! I took Ursa for her morning romp and then climbed back into my fleece jammies.  I have nothing to do and should be relaxing, but I can't seem to settle into it. I've been in high speed for so long, I apparently can't gear down. *pout* So I decided to catch up on the blog, at least I'm sitting still! Now, I think I might treat myself to a new book for my Kobo.

My present list: three new baking sheets, a jam making accessory set, Tarte clay eyeliner/shadow in brown, Tarte eye brightener pencil, yoga gloves, Irish Whiskey chocolates, a mini scifi comic compilation, Himalayan Eucalyptus bath salts, Lost Girl Season 1, Sanctuary Season 4, $100 gift certificate to my spa, $200 cash, a gift certificate to Shikiji, some iPhone gloves, some icing writers, Dutch cocoa, a sifter, some spatulas... it was a good Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, spa day coming up for you then! -britt