Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New digs

The company I work for is rapidly outgrowing the building here in Calgary, and as a result, people are getting shuffled around the offices and cubicles like dice.  You never know where to find anyone! I was lucky, I lived in the same cubicle for two and a half years - and I even liked the spot! It was too good to last though. Today, I had to leave my out of the way, back of the row heaven and move up to the recently furnished space on the third floor.

There are advantages.  Our whole team (four, soon to be five) is now in one space - easy to communicate and collaborate. I now have to climb an extra flight of stairs at least twice a day - yeah health! But it's basically a long room that also serves as a corridor and they set up the desks with us all sitting with our backs to the middle. I startle easily and all that traffic behind me is squidging me out. Also, we have giant desk tops but very little storage, so our stuff is sort of forced to sprawl. Oh well, it's only for a year or so, until the new building is finished.

The worst part is that they haven't moved my desk tray up yet.  Even after only a few hours of typing, I hurt all over.  Thank god we have yoga tonight and cross my fingers it moves up tomorrow.  Maybe I should bring a screwdriver with me tomorrow??

And, in other news, did I pre-order one of these? Yes. Yes, I did.


VĂ©ro B said...

Wow. Not an action figure. Not a bobble-head. A plushy. That might be the weirdest of all!

Unknown said...

Maybe, but I like it! I can finally cuddle Wil Wheaton! Stuart started moaning about being replaced. Big baby. LOL